AAA Auto Insurance

Sure you know the company, you’ve seen the commercials, you know what services they offer but have you ever wondered about the company itself?

AAA came into existence in the year 1902 as the American Automobile Association because at the time, there was much left to be desired with the roads and highways. Upon its founding, the charter members were comprised of motor enthusiasts who wanted to see friendlier roads for their automobiles, there were about a thousand of them. To this day many local and regional motor clubs support the AAA. AAA was the catalyst in lobbying for much better roads for motorists. They also began printing road maps in the year 1905, they also included a hotel guide in the year 1917 for the weary traveler looking for a place for the night. Soon, they began an advocacy in road safety, after years of leading the way in awareness for safety whilst on the road, in 1947 they were finally able to put up the AAA foundation for Traffic Safety.

Over the years, AAA has definitely done much, much more than just provide quality insurance. Today, they are known for their excellent coverage and road side assistance in the event of a flat tire ir any other vehicular breakdown. But it is important to remind their faithful and loyal patrons that they reached their stature and earned their respect by being so much more. They are esteemed for catering to the needs of every customer in their specific areas Seeing as different states have different requirements, AAA Auto insurance ensures that every provision is made possible for each and every unique situation.

From lobbying for motorist friendly roads in the 1900’s to ensuring exceptional roadside service today, AAA Auto insurance continues to be a leader in the world of vehicles by providing some of the best coverage and emergency assistance. The battles today may not be as urgent but they have not lost their vigor at all, not by any means.


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